'A single woman climbs into bed'
Until recently, I classified myself as a happily single, independent and self-sufficient woman. When I half-heartedly started chatting with someone online, it was a surprise to suddenly fall in love. He is in Sweden and I am in Ireland so our relationship has grown from whatsapp voice notes to long weekend visits.
Returning to Ireland after our first in-person encounter, I replayed the weekend's events in my mind. Afraid of forgetting, I made a list of what we did, ate, walked and who I met. I made drawings of his apartment from memory. I needed to put it down on paper. I rendered minor details that seemed to signify major transitions.
Over the months, we have begun to create space in our homes for each other. I now have a painting nook in his apartment. He has come to know my friends. Where there was one place at the table, now there are two. We’ve crossed a threshold, from being strangers to intimates, and I have documented it in drawings and paintings.
(Click on image to view as gallery)
Photo credit: Ros Kavanagh