Yellow Chair
Grand Forks, North Dakota is a place I have returned to a few times in my adult life, mainly as a place of recovery. My bedroom since high school has served as a space for me to heal from different events. In 2020 as the world shut down and I closed a door in my own life, I came back to that room, very uncertain of what direction my life was heading.
Between the time I had left in December of 2019 and returned in February of 2020 there had been some flooding in our basement. My parents had to clear everything out of my room and throw out most of the bedroom furniture. In its place they set up my grandparent’s bedroom set from the 1950s. A beautiful yellow wooden bed frame, side tables, desk, and chair. I didn’t know about the flooding and the furniture shifts.
When I walked into the room in February 2020 after returning from two months away, I cried when I saw it, the color like a beacon of hope, I felt like Dorothy walking into a land of technicolor.
Within the next three weeks life shifted rapidly — as we all know. And this is when the yellow chair series was born. I kept putting random objects on the chair, things that were offering me joy, or hope. Sometimes it would be a baked good, sometimes a stuffed animal, or sometimes a picture of a painter I admired.
(Click on image to view as gallery)