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Arvid & Mollie

Arvid & Mollie 6/23/23

In June 2022 after hearing the founder of ‘the pattern’ (a recently launched astrology app) on a podcast describe her approach to astrology I downloaded the app. I casually checked the content and what the stars had aligned for me.

In July 2022 while suffering from jet lag, I took a deep dive into the app and noticed a small heart icon at the bottom of its homepage. And at 2am, I clicked on it with emotions of homesickness and inability to sleep — I was delighted to set up a profile. Having never done online dating before it sounded mildly entertaining.

By 3am I was swiping.

Each profile that appeared had the usual contents of a dating app, but also one additional word highlighted in purple summarizing your astrological compatibility between you and the person you are viewing. I quickly took note and swiped left (not interested) when words such as ‘delicate’ or ‘challenging’ appeared. I also swiped right (interested) when I saw ‘extraordinary’ or ‘powerful’. However, after about 6 swipes I was notified that I was going to have to pay for this service. And in my state of delirium now verging into the 4am hour I coughed the cash up and had myself a hay day.

At some point I see a guy named Arvid appear. His profile picture is him on a sailboat, with yellow sunglasses. What struck me though was the word in purple ‘Soulmate’. I try to follow the universe’s cues with my life, and he looked cute, so I swiped right. At this point nothing happens because it’s just a waiting game to see if he’s going to also swipe right.

I think at some point on the 26th of July I get a ping ‘You’ve got a match!’ This enables the chat function to open between you and your match. I open the app and see that it is in fact soulmate boy. I figured he was notified as well so I just waited it out, and sure enough as I was laying in the sun outside my cabin I got a message from him, ‘Hello soulmate!’

It was a few months of chatting before we finally met in Copenhagen Airport, but by the end of that weekend we were both convinced of The Pattern’s prediction. Between November and May we made every attempt possible to see each other. In late April I was to come for 10 days, but two days before I left while lying in bed one morning Arvid turned to me and asked ‘Mollie, will you marry me?’. It was as if my body sparkled when asked and so I said ‘yeah’.

With our birthdays the 22nd and 24th of June, it only felt right to have our wedding on the 23rd, and we are not ones to wait more than a year…clearly!


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